We all have habits. We all grow into some habits. And our habits
become some kind of a safety blanket for us. After doing certain things
repeatedly we believe we can do those things with our eyes closed. We feel so comfortable about where things
are, or how they work, that we stop paying any attention to them. So at those
times, are we acting based on what we see, feel or hear in the moment? Hardly.
We act from our past experiences. We are not being in the here and now. We are
not being in the present. Every time we are acting in a habitual pattern we are
actually acting from the past. This is
something we do in our lives, as well as on our yoga mat.
When we buy something new, a laptop, a new phone, a new pair
of shoes, a car, or when we get into a new relationship with someone, we pay
close attention to them. We handle them with care; don’t want to hurt them in
anyway. We notice any change in them. Since all is new, we haven’t gathered any
habits yet, so we respond to what we see and observe in the present. We notice
if our car gets scratched, if our shoes get dirty, or if our significant other
is hurt or upset in any way. We clean them up, take good care of them, listen
and comfort our significant other. However, in time, we get used to our car,
our shoes, and our relationship. We don’t pay as much attention anymore. We get
the feeling that they will be there anyway, so why bother, right? Our nice
shoes get dirty, but we don’t see it anymore. They get scratches but we don’t
see that either. Our car gets a little dent but we say it’s nothing. Our
significant other changes his/her hair, but we don’t notice; or they come home
upset or tired or in need of caressing, but we don’t realize it. In time,
because we gather habits and ways of being, we stop seeing what’s happening in
the present and start seeing things with the eyes of the past.
This happens in our yoga practice as well. At our first few
classes, everything is new to us, so we pay attention to every pose, and try to
make sure our body is getting into the pose without pushing our physical limits.
Everything is new, so we pay attention to how we feel in our physical body.
However, as our practice advances we do some poses over and over again. We do,
chaturanga, upward facing dog, and downward facing dog so many times, that we
may stop caring how we do them or how we get into those poses. Sometimes,
because we know so well that we can do a certain pose, we may get into it the
next day without noticing that that day our body is not actually as open as the
day before. So, we may push our physical limits because we are not paying
attention to our body that moment, but acting out of habitual patterns we
developed in the past.
When we start acting out of habit, we are actually acting
based on the past experiences we had. So, when we look at things or do certain
thing, we start looking at them with the glasses of the past, meaning with the
picture we created in our minds through our past experiences. Noticing what’s
going on in the present feels like it would take too much effort, especially
for the things we now believe will be there for a long long time in the future.
So why bother to put that extra effort, or even to notice the small changes,
right? However, as we move away from the present, and responding to the present
occurrences, and keep acting from the past, we are shortening the life of all
the items or relationships that we have in our lives.
You complain that your iPhone broke too quickly, or that your
favorite boots, for which you paid a lot of money, didn’t last long. However,
if you cleaned those boots once a week, maybe died them every couple of months,
and took them to a shoe repair store when their heels were worn off, then they
would have lasted another year or two. And if you kept this maintenance, they
would have lasted for many many years more. The same goes with relationships.
We get used to having our boyfriend or girlfriend around. We get to believe that
they will be there for use no matter what. So we work hard, run around, run
errands and forget to call them, ask them about their day, or call to see how
they are doing after a doctor’s appointment. At the end of the day, we think
they already know how we feel about them. One phone call less wouldn’t change
the fact that you love them, and care about them, right? Well, if you think
that, you’d be wrong. A person’s need for attention and care doesn’t stop some
time into the relationship. We want our significant others, and our friends to
keep caring about us, and show how much they care for us. So why don’t you do
it? That few minutes on the phone will mean a lot to the other person. And if you
don’t show this care and attention to the people in your life, they may also
stop being there for you one day, like those boots you used to have. In order to
stay and grow in the relationship one needs to be in the present, see what’s in
the present, respond to the present. Once you stop giving life to the
relationship, or in anything that you have in your life, it may eventually rot,
and maybe even die.
Think about this: You have beautiful, nice looking healthy
flowers at home. You water them every couple of days. You care for them. Then,
in time you get used to seeing them there. You get the feeling that they will
be there forever. So you somehow don’t notice them anymore, and you start
watering them less and less, and at the end, one day, they die. What did you
expect? However, if you only stayed in the present, you’d see how they brighten
your apartment every morning, how their colors added more color to your day,
how their beauty made you smile every day. This wouldn’t take much out of your
day either. It would only take a second, if only you stay in the present. The
same goes with relationships, and everything else in life.
All this applies to your yoga practice as well. Leave your
habitual patterns behind when you come to a yoga class. Even if it is your ten
thousandth downward facing dog, do it as if it is your first. Find your
footprints on your mat, find your handprints on your mat, lengthen your spine,
and breathe in. That’s what we mean by being in the present. Even if you are
doing something for the millionth time, just show genuine attention, because
actually every time it is different, and every time it is new.
Notice when you are acting out of habit. You will realize
that you feel less. When you are acting out of habit, you don’t smell the newly
baked cookies, or hear the dog barking outside. Because when it is just a
habitual behavior, you are not actually there, and you are not tuned in with
the present and what’s going on around you. When you are in the present, you
will notice that your senses are stronger, and you will feel that you are
hundred percent invested in what you are doing, even if you are just brushing
your teeth. Time will slow down. You will feel your joys more, you will smell
newly cut grass, hear the children playing in the park, notice your husband or
wife’s soft touch on your shoulder when you come home. You will certainly get
more out of life. And being in the present doesn’t take any more time or
effort; it just requires you to be in the present. It requires you to see
everything with the eyes of the present, not with the colored and foggy glasses
of the past, which only shows you how things were yesterday. To be in the
present, you just need to think about your work when you are at work, think
about what to eat when you are out at lunch, and worry about your future when
it is tomorrow (And since when you get to tomorrow it will be today, just don’t
worry about it).
Leave your habits behind, and stay in the present. Live more
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