Monday, December 5, 2011

Speak From Your Heart

I used to think twice or three times before I talked because I was afraid I would say something wrong, or hurtful to others. I was afraid I would offend others. However, I realized recently that when you speak from your heart, you can speak your mind, because you have no reason to fear what you might say. You can only say what is pure, and real. Reality can be hurtful at times but it wouldn’t if it is coming from your heart, because the purity that would accompany it will soften it, and help others to relate. Others will sense that those words are not spoken out of vengeance or anything negative. They are pure feelings, coming from your heart.

Put your heart and intentions in the right place, and then you can leave aside worrying. You can’t hurt others or say inappropriate things, if you have your intentions in the right place and let your heart speak for you. Because even the harsh reality gets softened with the softness, goodness and purity of your heart.

Close your eyes, hands in front of your chest, palms facing together in Anjali Mudra. Take a few deep breaths, and bow to your heart… quiet down all the other voices in your head, and listen to your heart carefully… then let it speak for you. 

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